Nick Meade
“If you’re selling online courses in the 2020-2021 school year, get ready for a wave of students ready to pay for your class. If you do nothing, you could risk losing out on a valuable opportunity for growth. Don’t get caught in the storm unprepared. Here is some valuable insight into making the 2020-2021 school year your most profitable yet.”
The expected revenue for E-Learning is expected to reach $325 Billion by 2025, and that number may be conservative with all the chaos surrounding schools.
Some parents don’t feel safe about sending their children back to school. Therefore, there is going to be an influx of new online students in the Fall. Currently, the trend in online courses is healthy. Below is search data from google trends as of mid-July 2020:
These searches will rise if Public Schools and Higher Education are unable to secure a safe learning experience on campus. If online instructors don’t start preparing to optimize their online assets now, they could be swallowed by competitors come September. So, what exactly can online course creators start doing now to prepare for the potential onslaught of student-customers?
Where To Start Gaining Momentum When Selling Online Courses
To put it simply… gain trust. Become an authority. Trust is built through various, seemingly infinite channels. Pat Flynn, a passive income guru, recommends in“How to Sell Online Courses” to use:
- Paid Ads
- Content
- Webinars
- Testimonials
These are great avenues to build a larger audience. You might already have these things, but think to yourself:
- Could my content be better?
- Am I utilizing a webinar to its fullest potential?
- How can I get my “churn” rate down?
- Am I running ads in the proper channels?
All the things above give away just enough to gain the trust and interest of a potential customer. Every online course I’ve ever paid for I knew in my heart “I want them to teach me”. It felt like a privilege to be involved with them in some way.
I Have Built Trust; Now How Can I Explode In Growth?
A man by the name of Parker Walbeck is a great example of what it means to run a successful online curriculum. He says that creating free webinars and generating content for the masses is a great way to earn authority. He has a HUGE audience online, generating over 1.5 MILLION views a month! The video he created on the side here will touch on some of the things you’ll need to accelerate your growth. Just remember, you’re still going to have to do it.
A Second Option for Accelerating Atomization
Like Mr. Walbeck so honestly put it: “It’s not easy”. If you’re the “Do It Yourself” type, both Pat and Parker are good options. If you don’t have the time to spend HOURS learning how to execute the things mentioned in his video, then you can outsource it. Growth97 has a proven system to take care of all aspects of a course provider’s sales funnel.
Remember, there IS a way for you to obtain the results of your dreams. If you want to automize aspects of your sales funnel there aren’t shortcuts, only outsourcing. Or maybe you could use some growth hacking in some part of your sales funnel. If that is something that you are considering, you can schedule a free consultation with our CEO!