Our Results-Driven Growth Approach

How do we apply Growth Hacking? It can be described with just one word, combining:


By combining our unique Methodology with our expertise in Marketing, Technology,,and Business, we can deliver extraordinary results to our clients regardless of their industry.


Our framework is simple yet very few are able to execute it. We perform quick experiments where we test a hypothesis, gather data, analyze it, draw a conclusion and form a new hypothesis based on the previous learnings.

With this approach we are able to improve with each iteration, which directly translates in better results to our clients over time.


This is why we like to consider ourselves the Red Wine of the Digital Marketing industry: we get better over time.

Meet Your Unique Growth Hacking Squad Approach

To run the growth process optimally most missions requiere cross functional roles such as: Product, Marketing, Engineering, Data, Operations, Finance, etc.

This is why we make sure we truly apply the Growth Hacking principles by forming a team of experts in the different areas for every project. This is the unique structure of the G97 Team who will be in charge of achieving your growth goals.

We are a group of multidisciplinary professionals ranging from MBAs to Engineers.

Our former working experience in both high speed startups and corporates allows us to help any company regardless of their growth stage and industry. 

Let’s see the team members with more detail:

Growth Hacking Project Manager, the leader responsible for the project plan. His main focus is making sure each project is a clear success. 

Growth Content, applying psychology to persuade through messaging and storytelling.

Growth Marketer, also known as the PPC expert, in charge of executing and optimizing all digital campaigns. 

Growth Data Analyst, is entirely focus on finding insights that enable the campaign optimization process.

Growth Engineer, in charge of all technical details involved, from the tracking implementation to the monitoring system.

Growth Designer, the UX and UI expert with impressive skills in Adobe, persuading through image and design.

The Numbers Speak For Themselves

Million People Reached
Industries Conquered